A mouth consists of various parts that are interrelated with each other and if one part is infected and left untreated, other parts may likewise decrease their functioning due to the effect of the infected part. The teeth, gums, tongue and sense of taste are fundamental structures inside your mouth that need equivalent consideration. That is the reason it's basic to visit your dental specialist every six months to guarantee that you are keeping up good oral well being and are free of any dental problem. There are a lot of dental problems that can be easily diagnosed and treated well within time. Some of the most common dental issues faced by the majority of people are:
Tooth Decay: Also referred to as cavities, are caused when plaque expands on the teeth due to the excess sugars and starches present in the food and beverages that we intake. At the point when these components blend, acids are created which have a severe impact on the enamel of the teeth. If not treated on time, these acids can cause an adverse effect on teeth which can only be treated by root canal treatment. Normal brushing and flossing are typically enough to keep tooth decay under control. Nonetheless, when it makes strides, your dental specialist should treat it.
Stains & discolorations: Discolored and yellow teeth are a complete spoiler for a beautiful smile. The stains are caused due to excess consumption of tea, coffee, wine, and tobacco and leave patchy stains on teeth. At Dr. Sunali's Dental Solutions, you get the best teeth whitening in Noida and is the safest treatment for stained teeth that gives you whiter teeth in no time.
Gingivitis: Gum disease is one of the most prevailing dental issues influencing practically all age groups. Gum problem is ordinarily brought about by a high development of tartar and plaque on the teeth and gums. This development of microscopic organisms will cause irritation of gums and advancement to periodontal gum infection. This may lead to tooth loss and if not treated on time, can damage the underlying bones. A professional dental scaling and cleaning is helpful in removing tartar and plaque from the surfaces and beneath the gums.
Missing teeth: Tooth loss can occur at any age and due to various reasons such as an accident or removal of a tooth due to any infection. But a number of affordable dental treatments in Noida for missing teeth are available at Dr. Sunali's Dental Solutions. Dental implants, bridges and dentures are the best teeth replacement options and are suggested according to your dental situation.
Other common dental problems include toothache, bad breath, sensitive teeth, wisdom teeth problem, and mouth sores which could be timely treated through the affordable dentistry at Dr. Sunali's Dental Solutions in Noida.


Dr. Sunali along with her team of expert dentists and highly skilled staff members strive to ensure that all our patients are offered the best and the finest dental care with latest technologies.

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